Types of clouds

Types of clouds

Introduction to cloud: Types of cloudsTypes of clouds: Clouds are visible accumulations of tiny water droplets or ice crystals in the Earth's atmosphere. They...
Local Winds

List of Local Winds

Introduction to Local Winds Local winds are influenced by local conditions and geography. Local winds are more transient than global atmospheric circulation winds and can...
Types of Winds

Types of winds

Introduction to Winds: Types of windsTypes of Winds: Wind moves air from high to low pressure. It is essential to Earth's weather systems and the...
Atmospheric pressure

Belt of Atmospheric pressure

Introduction: Atmospheric pressureAtmospheric pressure, a fundamental aspect of Earth's meteorology, is the force exerted by the weight of the air above us. Measured in...
Structure of Atmosphere

Structure of Atmosphere

Introduction: Structure of AtmosphereStructure of Atmosphere: The Earth's atmosphere is a thin layer of gases that surrounds the Earth, providing it with a unique...
Elements of Atmosphere

Elements of Atmosphere

Elements of Atmosphere: Life and the climate depend on Earth's atmosphere. This shield absorbs harmful solar radiation, warms the surface through heat retention (greenhouse...